Saturday, November 20, 2010

what's keith CONFESSING?

I have a bad habit at throwing things away.  Not too bad of a habit, right? Wrong.  I not only throw my stuff away but other people's things as well.  I can't stand seeing things out of place or seeing things that are worn, weathered, or damaged.  So, if I don't need it or if I feel that it is old or beat up, I throw it out.  Case in point, about two weeks ago, my mother blew my head off about a coffee mug that is now missing.  She doesn't know that I probably threw it out.  This is not the first time that I've thrown away her things.  In fact, since I've been living here, I've thrown away countless old, unused items that have yet to be discovered.  This bad habit had also created tension in my relationship with Kenny.  I was guilty of throwing away his things. 

 In the grand scheme of things, I know it's wrong.  I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to throw away my things just because he thought it was old.  Yet, I do it anyway.  In my mind, I'm not doing any harm.  I'm just helping others clean up. Yeah, right.  I'm getting better at it though.  I'm learning to leave other people's things alone. 

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