World Aids Day 2010
While I think this PSA sucks, I commend them on their efforts. And I have to say that I can definitely identify with the message. It's true when they say that you never really know someone. My last two boyfriends were the masters of deception and as the PSA states anyone can let you down. It's so true. Too bad I had to learn the hard way.
Yet, I also ask, could I have been more honest in my relationships? I mean, who knows, I could have exposed either one of them to HIV as well. Although, I highly doubt it. Their risk is extremely minuscule compared to mine. Should I have snooped much earlier in my relationships? Why didn't I ask more questions? Well, I sort of did ask questions, but Kenny lied. Am I to blame for my circumstances? Maybe, but I didn't break the law. They both knew they were diagnosed with Aids. Am I playing the victim?
Every 4 hours a person in Baltimore is infected with the HIV virus. It's sad that I'm now a walking statistic yet I digress. I now realize that no one cares for me more than me. My last two boyfriends claimed that they cared for me, but they ended up causing more damage than I had ever anticipated. I can't tell anyone to get tested when I haven't even mustered up enough courage to go get tested myself. And I can't tell anyone to use protection even when I continue to have unprotected sex with someone who is not only promiscuous but living with Aids. However, I can support the cause and join the fight against HIV/Aids around the world.
Today, I donated ten dollars to amfAR, The Foundation for Aids Research. Five dollars in my name and five dollars in the name of Kenny. Of course, I know it's not a lot but every little bit counts, right? A cure for HIV/Aids is impossible without research and I celebrate in advance for the day that there is a cure. Remember, everyone is not infected with HIV, however everyone is affected by HIV.
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